Operation: Brainstorming #TeamCrocus

Ok, folks, I don’t know about where YOU are, but where *I* am everything is buried under snow and ice. So there’s only one thing for it… it’s time to bust out The Pretend Garden. That’s when I read garden catalogs, decide where I will plant 500 plants this year, plan hideously ridiculous and/or impossible hardscapes, and just generally let loose. But this year, I have an actual project planned that I would have started on already if it weren’t for all this late snow we’ve had. Here it is:

The site soon to be known as "the patio."

The “vision” for this space is that, instead of being a spider infested receptacle for blowing leaves and trash, it will become our grown-up refuge from the Toytopia that is the rest of our yard. It gets afternoon sun, and I can’t be trusted with anything that is either fiddly or invasive. Also, as you know I love sustainable and recycled, so that’s a consideration. If you were planning this space as a grown-up entertaining area, what would you be shopping for right now? Put it down there in the comments!

Oh, and join me on my In The Garden Pinterest board, where I’ll be keeping my ideas!

Follow Meghan Gray’s board In the garden on Pinterest.

About Meghan G

I like blues, punk, and crime drama. I love having boys, keeping active, and the outdoors. I'm a cat person, but I think dogs should have equal opportunities.

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