Schooling with Little Sibs

If you’re thinking of homeschooling for preschool or of starting or joining a preschool co-op, one of the biggest issues is… what about little sibs?  Established co-ops that have no answer to this question often find that not having an answer to this question eliminates them from consideration by many parents.  Since I’m expecting my second child at this moment, this topic has never been more on my mind than it is right now.

If your co-op is small, and home based, you might find that the best option is for mom to just bring little sib, along with some activities or equipment (like a swing) tailored to him or her.  Perhaps moms of new babies might prefer to host for the first few weeks back from their “maternity leave” so that they have baby’s crib available.

If you are joining an established co-op with a dedicated facility, ask whether they have space for a “little sib room” if they haven’t already got one in operation.  An extra volunteer or two could make the whole experience a lot more accessible for committed parents with infants who are too young for class!

For further reading, here is a great article compiled from advice by real moms about how to integrate little sibs into your homeschool experience:

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About Meghan G

I like blues, punk, and crime drama. I love having boys, keeping active, and the outdoors. I'm a cat person, but I think dogs should have equal opportunities.

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