Cracking Down On Preschool Pushers

Giant Cupcake
Pass my fork.

Every time I turn around, there has been a birthday party at school. This means cake.

Let me interject here… I love birthdays AND cake. I’m the kind of evil person who makes chocolate ganache when everyone’s on a diet. Yes, I know how to make chocolate ganache, because otherwise it’s too hard to get my fix. So I’m not down on cake.

In point of fact, now I want cake.

But, here’s the thing. Preschoolers have super powers. Whereas we eat cake and then we feel all “cake is so good,” preschoolers eat cake and activate their Amazing Powers of Super Speed and Unbelievable Loudness. If you ever need to intimidate an enemy, you’ll need approximately one dozen preschoolers and One Cake. Also, if you don’t actually have a preschooler, you may not be aware that activating Super Power Mode renders them deaf. They will only hear or respond to the words cake, cookie, candy, and their various synonyms until Super Power Mode wears off.

My own, personal child has been blessed with a third super power. Interminable Wakefulness. If you’d like a demonstration, let me know when you can babysit, and I’ll give him a juice box at 4pm. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Which is why I’m looking at you, Mom Who Brings Cupcakes The Size of My Head. A mini cupcake will do just fine. Or some small cookies. Or, if you Really Must Get Fancy, try cake pops. One each.

Not only will you earn the undying gratitude of every mom in your child’s class,  you will also put an end to my efforts to find a way for us Moms of Kids With Summer Birthdays to Get Our Payback. Do you have a clever treat that you provided your child’s class without activating Preschooler Super Power Mode? See the comment box down there? Fill it up.

Thank you Steve Snodgrass for the use of this image via Flickr Creative Commons

About Meghan G

I like blues, punk, and crime drama. I love having boys, keeping active, and the outdoors. I'm a cat person, but I think dogs should have equal opportunities.

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